nedelja, 21. januar 2024
Lazy Sunday
Today was our most unproductive day. Our professors went on a walk, while the rest of us stayed inside (except the ones who went to work). Not because we were ordered to, but because we're made of sugar and didn't want to get wet (it sprinkled a bit). So, while you are freezing in Slovenia, we refuse to leave our apartments when the temperature goes down by 2 degrees. That is why our professors keep lecturing us to get out more, while also telling us about the things they saw on their daily trips.
At the hotel, there were a lot of rooms to inspect. In the whole day they had to go over more than 50 rooms.
There were as much check-outs at the reception as there were rooms to clean, so they also had a lot of work there.
The rest of us were appointed to cook and clean a bit.
The waves today were very big, but despite that one of the students went to take a swim (we thought he drowned, because he didn't answer his phone).
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