nedelja, 14. januar 2024
First day of work.
It was the first day of work for some of us, and we had to be at the La Palma marina at 9 in the morning. We had some struggles with finding the correct building, but we ended up arriving before our mentor.
First she told us what will be going on that day and then ger colleague made us passes for the marina.
We made our way to the cruise ship, where we saw A LOT of people disembark the ship.
Each of us was put in a different bus for a tour and each of us went to a different location.
The first bus went to the north to San Bartolo where the view was beautiful and beaches like no other and of course there is no pretty view with no wind.
The tour was in Spanish and Italian, so it was hard to understand, but some words were familiar and you were able to connect the words to understand the context. We also went to the National park, but we only saw trees and maybe 200 meters of the path.
The second bus went to the volcano. Our path began from the docks through Santa Cruz, then we headed to the very south of the island. We took the "scenic route" through the mountains. We drove through clouds, pictoruesque villages and the remains of lava flow. At the very south of the island we took a 10 minute photo break. At the Faro de Fuencaliente, a beautiful lighthouse.
Then they went back on the road to the San Antonio volcano. Sadly because of the fog the caldera was not visible, so we watched a short film about the volcano in the museum next to the volcano. Then we took a short drive to the local wine refinery where the guests had wine tasting.
We returned by a less scenic road. We diesmbarked in the port of Santa Cruz.
The last bus left half an hour late, and was behind schedule the whole day. The trip was to the national park Caldera de Taburiente, where we took a short hike around the forest. Unfortunately because of the delay, the walk was cut short and we had to return to the bus. We stopped at a view point above Santa Cruz, and saw it from a different perspective. At the end we were able to catch the bus and were not late to our own trip, which was organised by the school's professors.
The trip was to the observatory and the drive was very squiggly. There was a lot of fog, so the view was not as beautiful as it could've been, though we got many pretty pictures of the sunset.
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No, pa smo le (na žalost) dočakali odhod iz raja. Naš dan se je začel zgodaj, ko smo še do konca spakirali kovčke in jih stehtali. Seveda so...

No, pa smo le (na žalost) dočakali odhod iz raja. Naš dan se je začel zgodaj, ko smo še do konca spakirali kovčke in jih stehtali. Seveda so...
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